TLDR: I participated in a Yale study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health on “voice-hearers” and had a great time! If you’re near Connecticut, love science, and hear voices, check out this study – many participants are still needed. Do it for science and the greatest good of all!
I did a thing! For science! (And you can too…)
I’m a Psychic Medium. I connect intuitively with people, places, situations, and things because I have learned how to hone and honor a natural sense that has long been dismissed and ignored. I talk to deceased spirit beings because consciousness survives physical death and they want to connect with us. To me, these experiences are normal and natural. They are something we all have the capacity for, if we’re so inclined. And because they’re normal and natural, I believe that one day science will be able to support and prove it as well. There have been so many fascinating studies and research done already. There is so much yet to be uncovered and understood. If we knew how it all worked already, we wouldn’t need any more research projects. But we don’t, so we do.
I know what I do is real. And I know that science will prove it one day. I have zero doubts about that – it’s just a matter of time. Which is why I was so excited to be a part of a current research study at Yale University, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. This study explores the experience of “voice-hearers”, from those who hear voices, cannot control them, and are disturbed by them, such as people experiencing schizophrenia, to those who hear voices, can control them, and are not only not disturbed by them but feel supported, guided, healed, and loved by them, such as mediums. The premise of the study recognizes that the experience of mediums is very different than the experience of people experiencing psychosis and they want to learn more about what is happening in the brain of mediums while “voice-hearing” in an effort to better help and heal those experiencing supposed psychosis.
I have long believed that many out-of-the-ordinary experiences that have been termed mental health issues are actually varying forms of early stage spiritual awakening and intuitive unfoldment that are wildly misunderstood and misinterpreted by both experiencer and medical professional, let alone society at large. I am hopeful that this study will start to bridge that gap. There is still so much to learn and uncover.
Plus, I had so much fun participating in this study! (Minus the “2-3 hour” survey that actually took 8 hours, but that was more a scheduling issue than an issue with the survey itself.) The study was both online and in-person in New Haven, CT. There were multiple in-depth surveys, interviews, and memory tests, plus several hours in the MRI machine and hooked up to an EEG performing tasks. The tasks themselves were pretty boring and repetitive, but the researchers were all fun and interesting to hangout with all day and, contrary to popular belief, they were actually very open to and interested in mediumship. They were also great for my ego – not only did they share that I was the first person to successfully complete one of their ridiculous memory tests, but they also told me I have a beautiful cerebellum! Because of the big head I acquired, they had to use a ridiculous amount of gel for the EEG (it took two people to apply, as evidenced in the photo!).
I have to go back to complete one last test because my spirit team was super helpful when I had to pee and shut down the entire MRI machine. Whoops. But I’m looking forward to it!
If you are a voice-hearer or a non-voice-hearer and are interested in participating in this groundbreaking research, they still need many more participants (at least 50 more), particularly men. I’m happy to answer any questions about the process and experience. Do it for science and the highest good of all!
Learn more about the study and fill out the initial survey here!