
Thank you for your interest in my classes!

I love teaching and offering classes both in-person and online. Please check out the available classes below.

If your group, business, or organization is interested in hosting a Class, please email me directly at

Available Classes

6-Week Intro to Psychic Development Course

You are psychic!

Intuition is truly our sixth sense. However, most of us are never taught how to listen to, honor, or use our natural intuition.

In this 6-week class, you will explore your innate intuition and psychic abilities. You will learn how to reconnect with, access, honor, foster, and use your intuition for the highest and greatest good. Your psychic strengths are unique and waiting to be uncovered.

Please bring a notebook, a writing utensil, and an open mind. This will be a fun and empowering class with lots of hands-on practice and experience.

This is a 6-week class. Registration is required.