Water Wisdom: Trust

Thursday, November 4, 2021 Trust. Trust. It’s already hard, isn’t it? Trust the flow. Trust yourself. Trust each other. Trust the forces greater than you. Trust in the simplicity of trust. Harness it and grow from it. Get in the flow of trust. Practice: Trust. Feel into what comes up for you when you think […]

Water Wisdom: Let Go & Be Free

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Let go. Be free. Show up as you are. Let yourself flow. Practice: Take a mindful moment. Bring your attention to your heart center and feel into that area. How do you get in touch with the deeper parts of you? Who or how would you be without the world’s expectations […]

Water Wisdom: Be Here Now

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Be not afraid. Move slowly. Take your time. There is nowhere to “get to.” Be here now. Peace is an action. Slow down and be present. Practice: Follow your breath. Breathe in, breathe out. For 3 breath cycles. Feel the peace of the present moment. What do you find? What is […]

Water Wisdom: Dwell In Ease

Monday, November 1, 2021 Dwell in the ease, in the pleasantness. Move softly and gently through the day. Practice: Get in touch with what soft, gentle ease feels like to you. How do you experience it? Where do you feel it in your body? What thoughts or visuals do you associate with ease? What barriers […]

Introducing: Water Wisdom

I am so excited to introduce my new soul endeavor and offering: Water Wisdom! For the last several months, I’ve been connecting with the ocean and the spirit and energy of the water, and channeling the messages and wisdom that the water has to share in that moment. These powerful messages offer support, guidance, and […]

June Workshop Series!

Please join Lorna J Hines, Latifu Munirah, and myself for a 4-session online transformative workshop series, “The Isms That Dim Our Light: A Path Towards Personal Transformation,” starting Tuesday, June 1, 2021! This workshop is being offered through Lily Dale Assembly and will be held entirely on Zoom on the first four Tuesdays of June – June 1st, […]

Honoring HJ with December Specials

Spoiler alert: Sentimental story and a quality holiday discount ahead! December 1st was the 15th anniversary of my beloved grandfather’s last great human act – his passing. He was the kind of person that always stayed true to his path: beliefs, vision, desires, and morals, despite opposition. He always knew who he was, what he […]

Daily Guided Healing Meditation Day 170 – Wednesday Oct 7th 2020

The Live Daily Guided Healing Meditation series started as a way to bring more love and healing into the world during the fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus for ourselves as individuals and for the world at large. Obviously, the Coronavirus is still active and there’s much more healing to come on that front. However, […]