Trust. Trust. It’s already hard, isn’t it? Trust the flow. Trust yourself. Trust each other. Trust the forces greater than you. Trust in the simplicity of trust. Harness it and grow from it. Get in the flow of trust.
Practice: Trust. Feel into what comes up for you when you think about trust. Do you feel resistance to the idea of trust? What is behind that resistance? Trust what comes. What does dismissing trust offer you? How might it be keeping you safe? How might it be keeping you stuck? How can you trust trust? Breathe. Feel how true trust feels inside of you. Continue creating that feeling and that trust.
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
Let go. Be free. Show up as you are. Let yourself flow.
Practice: Take a mindful moment. Bring your attention to your heart center and feel into that area. How do you get in touch with the deeper parts of you? Who or how would you be without the world’s expectations on your shoulders and whispering in your ears? Can you access that essential part of you now? Can you be present to them? What do they want and need?
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
Be not afraid. Move slowly. Take your time. There is nowhere to “get to.” Be here now. Peace is an action. Slow down and be present.
Practice: Follow your breath. Breathe in, breathe out. For 3 breath cycles. Feel the peace of the present moment. What do you find? What is present for you? How can you be more present to your present moment? Can you find a sliver of peace even while experiencing chaos?
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
Dwell in the ease, in the pleasantness. Move softly and gently through the day.
Practice: Get in touch with what soft, gentle ease feels like to you. How do you experience it? Where do you feel it in your body? What thoughts or visuals do you associate with ease? What barriers are you feeling to experiencing ease today? How can you bring more softness and gentleness into your day today?
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at for a soul reading or soul coaching session. It would be my honor to support you as you align with your most authentic self.
I am so excited to introduce my new soul endeavor and offering: Water Wisdom!
For the last several months, I’ve been connecting with the ocean and the spirit and energy of the water, and channeling the messages and wisdom that the water has to share in that moment. These powerful messages offer support, guidance, and love for embracing your truest self and living your most authentic life.
The spirit and energy of water, and particularly the ocean, offer us deep understandings of the power of ebb and flow, shifts and changes, highs and lows, phases and cycles, as well as standing in your power and authentic self regardless of how that looks from day to day or moment to moment. Just as the ocean, we as human beings are never stagnant. We are complex, deep, and beautiful just as we are in any given moment – both in stillness and in storms and in everything in between. We hold multitudes.
I have always felt very connected to the water. Astrologically, I’m a Cancer, which is a water sign. Actually, if considering sun, moon, and rising signs, I’m a double Cancer! I grew up on an island surrounded by water, always living within eyeshot of the Atlantic Ocean, falling asleep to the sounds of the sea. As have generations of my family – a beloved generational blessing passed down and honored. And I’ve always felt incredibly nurtured, cleansed, and balanced by the energy of the water, especially salt water.
As I’ve been expanding my own spiritual practices and delving deeper into my own healing and growth this year, it didn’t come as a surprise that I was being drawn back to this essential and vital part of myself. It has been incredibly healing and helpful for me to connect with the water in this way, but it’s also been abundantly clear that these water wisdom messages are meant to be shared. They’re intended to support us all.
I hope you will join the water and I on this unique Water Wisdom adventure. I am ever-hopeful the water wisdom and cleansing water energy can support you in your own healing and self development journey. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Happy healing and embodiment!
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
This workshop is being offered through Lily Dale Assembly and will be held entirely on Zoom on the first four Tuesdays of June – June 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd – from 7-9pm EDT/4-6pm PDT. This workshop series is geared toward mediums, psychics, healers, and spiritual practitioners at any point on their path who are committed to continuous self-development and healing as part of their spiritual development.
This workshop series will explore how racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, power, and oppression affect, impact, and create wounds in our lives and thusly our mediumship, psychic connection, and healing. Self-development and self-healing are continuous companions as we develop, refine, and up-level our intuition, mediumship, and healing. As such, this workshop series is open to all levels of development from beginner to advanced.
We have been working diligently on this workshop series for over two years. Especially now, with the much needed recommitment to dismantling racial inequities in the United States, we are aiming to support our fellow lightworkers as they embark on their own anti-racism inner healing and self-development journey.
It is strongly recommended that participants attend each of the four sessions as the concepts and exercises will build upon one another. Each session is $26.
You can learn more and register for each session here:
Spoiler alert: Sentimental story and a quality holiday discount ahead!
December 1st was the 15th anniversary of my beloved grandfather’s last great human act – his passing.
He was the kind of person that always stayed true to his path: beliefs, vision, desires, and morals, despite opposition. He always knew who he was, what he wanted, and was sure in himself. He held a deep inner integrity-filled wisdom and knowingness that guided and supported him throughout his life and he trusted it implicitly. He was fearless because he had faith. Not just faith in the Divine, who he called God, but faith in himself. And this offered him peace that he was willing to share with all.
HJ held so many of the qualities that we all want and aim to cultivate, but his life wasn’t without struggle or tough times. Walking one’s path is often extremely difficult. You must persevere no matter what comes your way. And he did. Time and time again. With immense grace and good humor.
My grandparents at their 50th Wedding Anniversary
I grew up down the street from my grandparents and they were simply the best. Everything was better, brighter, and more joyful with them around. They made you feel loved, welcomed, wanted, and important, and did it effortlessly. We were extremely close. The gratitude I feel for them and our relationships is immeasurable.
The day he died, I was away at college. I immediately hopped on a plane in a whirlwind. I was in such a grief fog that I remember being completely out of it and unfazed while I was running, late for my plane, and every single bag of mine was slowly checked by security. I don’t remember much from the flight until we started to descend. And that’s when I knew: he was taking off as I was landing. Despite my immense grief, there was a peace to knowing. We shared a beautiful moment as his spirit soared free. He came to say goodbye.
It would be a few more years until I seriously started developing my mediumship, but once I did, I started getting acquainted with my guides, and it became very clear that he was an active part of my spirit team. Even as my spirit team has shifted and evolved over the years, he has always remained a constant: steadfast and sure, always sitting next to me, comforting me with his calm presence, sharing practical advice and encouragement, believing and trusting in me. He is eternally loving and supportive as I walk my divinely-guided path as faithfully and fearlessly as he did. (He’s even gotten me a job!) In human form and spirit, he is one incredible soul.
My grandfather, my dad, and me
The last time I saw him was a few days before his death. I was home from college for Thanksgiving and had come to say goodbye before heading back. As I was hugging him goodbye, he slipped a $20 bill into my hand and reminded me he was there if I needed anything. (He used to tell me this so much that I joked he’d be my one call if I ever got arrested!) For someone who loved a good sale despite being set for life, he also was one of the most generous people you ever met. I kept that $20 bill for years. I’m not quite sure what happened to it, but I feel comfort in knowing he was far too practical to ever want me to keep a perfectly good $20 bill when I could put it to some good use.
So in honor of this exemplary person, who loved a great deal and doled out $20 bills like I could get him the best seat in the restaurant, we’re having a couple of December holiday specials!
$20 for a 30 min Psychic Reading – limit one per person, appointment must be booked for Dec 2020 or Jan 2021
$20 off Gift Certificates for 60 min readings (reg. $65 for individuals, $75 for multiple people) or 90 min readings (reg. $95 for individuals, $105 for multiple people) – makes for a unique and personal holiday gift!
These specials are only available during the month of December so take advantage while you can! I look forward to connecting with you and your loved ones in spirit soon!
The Live Daily Guided Healing Meditation series started as a way to bring more love and healing into the world during the fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus for ourselves as individuals and for the world at large. Obviously, the Coronavirus is still active and there’s much more healing to come on that front.
However, it has become abundantly clear to many that we have another more prevalent and deadly virus that is at the forefront of our minds, hearts, and bodies: racism. Obviously, racism is not new and it’s always been prevalent and deadly. But after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, we have been reminded yet again of the great need for personal, systematic, and institutionalized change, and that there is no time like the present to make those changes happen.
It is with this in mind that this meditation series is changing and shifting to embrace healing around racism. Learn more about his endeavor!
This is Day 170. The Live Daily Guided Meditation series will be taking a hiatus. Please enjoy past meditations and stay tuned for new meditations in the future! I honor the anti-racism self-development and healing work you are doing and continue to do.
Thank you for continuing to share your love in these difficult and important times!
The Live Daily Guided Healing Meditation series started as a way to bring more love and healing into the world during the fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus for ourselves as individuals and for the world at large. Obviously, the Coronavirus is still active and there’s much more healing to come on that front.
However, it has become abundantly clear to many that we have another more prevalent and deadly virus that is at the forefront of our minds, hearts, and bodies: racism. Obviously, racism is not new and it’s always been prevalent and deadly. But after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, we have been reminded yet again of the great need for personal, systematic, and institutionalized change, and that there is no time like the present to make those changes happen.
It is with this in mind that this meditation series is changing and shifting to embrace healing around racism. Learn more about his endeavor!
The Live Daily Guided Healing Meditation series started as a way to bring more love and healing into the world during the fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus for ourselves as individuals and for the world at large. Obviously, the Coronavirus is still active and there’s much more healing to come on that front.
However, it has become abundantly clear to many that we have another more prevalent and deadly virus that is at the forefront of our minds, hearts, and bodies: racism. Obviously, racism is not new and it’s always been prevalent and deadly. But after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, we have been reminded yet again of the great need for personal, systematic, and institutionalized change, and that there is no time like the present to make those changes happen.
It is with this in mind that this meditation series is changing and shifting to embrace healing around racism. Learn more about his endeavor!