NEW: Past Life Readings

I’m excited to share my new offering: Past Life Readings!

Past Life Readings focus on you, your experiences in other lives that have influenced your current life, and the related areas in your life that are ready for healing and growth. I connect with you on a soul level as we move throughout time and space and gain actionable information on how you can create growth and healing across your lifetimes. Your soul is eternal and wise. Readings are spirit-led and last approximately 45-60 minutes long.

I am offering these readings at a special introductory price of $85. Let’s adventure together!

Trusting Your Intuition

Apparently, I’m a runner now. 🤷‍♀️ 

For several days, I had been receiving intuitions that I needed to start running. So obviously I ignored them. 

There are a million reasons that it makes absolutely zero sense for me to run, including chronic health issues like chronic fatigue, chronic dehydration, and muscle cramping, a heatwave with high humidity, and the fact that I haven’t ran in over 12 years and that was just training for a fun run during which I thought I would almost surely die, let alone the fact that I simply did not want to run ever again.

But I am endlessly and fiercely dedicated to trusting and honoring my intuition and Spirit’s guidance. So once I realized I was being told to run (yes, I misunderstood the first several messages – they were very subtle and I thought they were just my illogical idea rather than Spirit’s), it clicked and I knew I had to do it. Spirit was so clever that I even had a laundry snafu that day that resulted in me wearing a workout bra when I decidedly had zero plans to workout. So I was ready to go, boobs and all!

I immediately went for a half mile run, half of which I walked, in the heat of the day, dressed all in black and long pants. But I surprisingly felt pretty good! 

At the end of that run, I knew I was undoubtedly a runner now. It just felt true and aligned. It’s like a switch has been flipped and I’m a new version of me – one that runs, no less! It is truly nothing short of a miracle (always leave room for the miracle!). When I asked Spirit for help restoring my body to optimal health, wellness, and wellbeing, I did not expect running to be part of that path. I used to consider running nothing short of torturous and now, suddenly, surprisingly, curiously, I love it. 

I have no idea where or even if it will lead anywhere further, but it doesn’t matter. I’m already transformed. 

I know better than anyone that this is not always how honoring your intuition pans out. I also know all about how not honoring your intuition pans out. Honoring your intuition and Spirit’s guidance can be really hard, especially when we can’t easily identify them. The process to identifying, acknowledging, trusting, and honoring my intuitions has been an intense, ongoing journey. But I’m so grateful for it and for the effort I’ve put into developing and trusting my intuition. It has truly been life-changing and incredibly empowering. And I want that for each and every one of us.

This is why I created my 6-week Intro to Psychic Development class. Your intuition is meant for you. Everyone has it, but most of us don’t recognize, trust, or honor it. I’ve undertaken this journey to trusting my intuition and I know it well. I feel uniquely suited to empowering and supporting you as you discover and create a special bond with your authentic, heart-centered, soul-powered intuition for the highest and greatest good of all. Please consider joining my next online Intro to Psychic Development class. It starts this coming Monday, July 22nd 7-9pm EDT. It will be fun and enlightening! Learn more here:

And in the meantime, I’m a runner now so I’ll probably be out running. 

Online Psychic Development Class July 2024

My next online Intro to Psychic Development course starts on Monday, July 22nd!

Join us on Zoom for 6 weeks on Monday nights 7-9pm EDT/6–8pm CDT to learn how to identify, honor, develop, and use your innate intuition. The course is being offered through Body Mind & Soul Houston. It’s going to be fun!

Learn more and register here!

I Did It For Science!

TLDR: I participated in a Yale study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health on “voice-hearers” and had a great time! If you’re near Connecticut, love science, and hear voices, check out this study – many participants are still needed. Do it for science and the greatest good of all! 

I did a thing! For science! (And you can too…)

I’m a Psychic Medium. I connect intuitively with people, places, situations, and things because I have learned how to hone and honor a natural sense that has long been dismissed and ignored. I talk to deceased spirit beings because consciousness survives physical death and they want to connect with us. To me, these experiences are normal and natural. They are something we all have the capacity for, if we’re so inclined. And because they’re normal and natural, I believe that one day science will be able to support and prove it as well. There have been so many fascinating studies and research done already. There is so much yet to be uncovered and understood. If we knew how it all worked already, we wouldn’t need any more research projects. But we don’t, so we do. 

I know what I do is real. And I know that science will prove it one day. I have zero doubts about that – it’s just a matter of time. Which is why I was so excited to be a part of a current research study at Yale University, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. This study explores the experience of “voice-hearers”, from those who hear voices, cannot control them, and are disturbed by them, such as people experiencing schizophrenia, to those who hear voices, can control them, and are not only not disturbed by them but feel supported, guided, healed, and loved by them, such as mediums. The premise of the study recognizes that the experience of mediums is very different than the experience of people experiencing psychosis and they want to learn more about what is happening in the brain of mediums while “voice-hearing” in an effort to better help and heal those experiencing supposed psychosis. 

I have long believed that many out-of-the-ordinary experiences that have been termed mental health issues are actually varying forms of early stage spiritual awakening and intuitive unfoldment that are wildly misunderstood and misinterpreted by both experiencer and medical professional, let alone society at large. I am hopeful that this study will start to bridge that gap. There is still so much to learn and uncover. 

Plus, I had so much fun participating in this study! (Minus the “2-3 hour” survey that actually took 8 hours, but that was more a scheduling issue than an issue with the survey itself.) The study was both online and in-person in New Haven, CT. There were multiple in-depth surveys, interviews, and memory tests, plus several hours in the MRI machine and hooked up to an EEG performing tasks. The tasks themselves were pretty boring and repetitive, but the researchers were all fun and interesting to hangout with all day and, contrary to popular belief, they were actually very open to and interested in mediumship. They were also great for my ego – not only did they share that I was the first person to successfully complete one of their ridiculous memory tests, but they also told me I have a beautiful cerebellum! Because of the big head I acquired, they had to use a ridiculous amount of gel for the EEG (it took two people to apply, as evidenced in the photo!). 

I have to go back to complete one last test because my spirit team was super helpful when I had to pee and shut down the entire MRI machine. Whoops. But I’m looking forward to it!

If you are a voice-hearer or a non-voice-hearer and are interested in participating in this groundbreaking research, they still need many more participants (at least 50 more), particularly men. I’m happy to answer any questions about the process and experience. Do it for science and the highest good of all! 

Learn more about the study and fill out the initial survey here!

Intro to Psychic Development Online Course July 2024

Intro to Psychic Development 6-Week Course: July 22-August 27, 2024

Online over Zoom

You are psychic!

Intuition is truly our sixth sense. However, most of us are never taught how to listen to, honor, or use our natural intuition.

In this 6-week class, you will explore your innate intuition and psychic abilities. You will learn how to reconnect with, access, honor, foster, and use your intuition for the highest and greatest good. Your psychic strengths are unique and waiting to be uncovered.

Through the class you will have the opportunity to:

  • Reconnect with your innate intuition
  • Discover your unique intuitive pathways
  • Be empowered to continue developing, honing, honoring, and using your intuition
  • Embrace and honor your most authentic self 

Together we’ll explore:

  • The Clairs
  • Subconscious programming
  • Psychic tools and techniques
  • Self development tools and techniques
  • Spirit Beings and Mediumship
  • Ethics
  • Troubleshooting 

Expand your intuitive abilities over 6-weeks with expert guidance, practice, and group work – and discover that you really are psychic! 

Please bring a notebook, a writing utensil, and an open mind. This will be a fun and empowering class with lots of hands-on practice and experience.

This is a 6-week class taking place on Mondays 7-9pm EDT (6-8pm CDT) online over Zoom on the following dates:

  • July 22nd
  • July 29th
  • August 5th
  • August 12th
  • August 19th
  • August 26th

This course is being offered online through Body Mind & Soul Houston. The course cost is $150. Registration is required.

Holistic Wellness Weekend

Holistic Wellness Weekend at Willow Creek Winery: June 28-30, 2024

Cape May, NJ

Join me at the upcoming Holistic Wellness Weekend at the Willow Creek Winery in beautiful Cape May, NJ, Friday, June 28th through Sunday, June 30th from 11:30am-6pm each day!

This event is co-hosted by New Jersey Farmers Cooperative (NJFC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to help NJ farmers, artists and artisans survive and thrive through shared use of resources, education, and cooperative marketing. The NJFC is creating a regional network of farmers, artists, and artisans in underserved communities in South Jersey and beyond to make our community more economically viable, save farmland by preserving historic properties, and reinvigorate our community as a whole by making farming and small business more accessible to people of color, women, and youth.

I will be offering short in-person Psychic, Mediumship, and Animal Communication Readings, and will have gift certificate specials, crystals, oracle cards, and suncatchers for sale. (Fun fact: I used each suncatcher like a pendulum and they priced themselves!)

This is sure to be a lovely weekend. Hope to see you there!

In-Person Intro to Psychic Development Class Canceled

TLDR: My next very popular in-person Intro to Psychic Development class was quietly canceled by the library in an act of censorship. Please let the Cape May County Library know you enjoy these types of events and do not support censorship by contacting and

Here we are again! The powers that be at the Cape May County Library have decided to quietly cancel my next in-person Intro to Psychic Development class that was supposed to start today, Monday, April 1st. This would have been my third time teaching this very popular class for the library.

While the library did reschedule the Mediumship Demonstration for May at a different location, I have learned they only did that because people had already signed up for it and were vocally upset. Since registration hadn’t opened for the Psychic Development class yet, they were hoping no one would notice it was secretly canceled.

I have taught the 6-week Intro to Psychic Development class twice at the Library over the last year. Both times were very well-attended and well-reviewed.

I’m getting sassier in my old age and find myself invoking John Lewis’ concept of good trouble more often. If I’m not allowed to do my actual job because of censorship, I might as well use my suddenly available time to change the systems and institutions doing the censoring.

I want to be clear: libraries are wonderful institutions that need to be supported so that they may continue to support their communities. But like all systems and institutions, we need to hold them accountable so they may continue to serve their community and be beacons of truth, learning, and accessibility.

Right now, the Cape May County Library has decided to censor a “controversial” class because ONE non-patron complained in a public Google Review. It’s very clear that the vast majority of library patrons are open and eager to learn about their intuition, one of the most vulnerable and authentic parts of ourselves.

When something so vulnerable and authentic is censored and criminalized, it creates harm. So many of us have come through so much in our lives to be able to get to a place where we are open to exploring, honoring, and trusting our intuition. I know how hard that journey can be and I honor each person who courageously embarks on it. Your intuition is always meant for you, no matter what. Don’t give up on it.

I am ever-hopeful that the powers that be at the Library will recognize the error in this decision and will allow those that are interested to continue pursuing their interests unencumbered.

Please let the library know you enjoy these types of events and do not support censorship by contacting and

If you are interested in developing your intuition, please join the waitlist for my next online class.

Thank you for your continued support!