Water Wisdom: Churning

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Things are being churned up right now. It may feel messy and that’s ok. Allow what needs to come to the surface to come up. It may not always be pretty or feel good, but it is for your benefit. This is all part of our journeys and our processes. This, too, is part of nature.

Practice: Have things been being churned up for you lately? What’s been coming up? How have you been feeling? Where do you feel it in your body? Have you been making space for this new wave of stuff or have you been fighting it? Can you start shifting how you’re approaching it a little more?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Have Faith

Friday, January 28, 2022

Have faith. Reject expectations. Let go of logic. How things unveil themselves to you is always a mystery. Allow it to be revealed to you.

Practice: Explore your relationship with faith. Do you have faith? Do you have faith in certain areas of your life but not others? Do you prioritize logic over faith? How do expectations play into your relationship with faith? Are you open to good things coming to you? Are you open to them coming in unexpected ways? If they come in unexpected ways, will you recognize them?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Pivoting

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pivoting. Shifting. Aligning. We are in constant motion. Realigning ourselves over and over again. That’s the nature of life. That’s the nature of us. Don’t be afraid to pivot, to shift, to align, and realign over and over again. You are meant to be fluid, to flow.

Practice: How many times have you judged yourself for needing to change, for not already being perfect? How does this feel? Does it help you shift into a better, more aligned version of you? If not, what might be a better way? Remember that these shifts are not always on the macro level, but also on the micro level. We are in constant motion – can you allow that?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Unfoldment Continued

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Unfoldment continued. It’s like having reservations made for you. You just have to show up. Look for the opportunities as they present themselves. Do not be afraid to change course. And show up. Always show up for them.

Practice: Think about an area in your life you want change in. How can you better show up for yourself in this area? You may not have full control over what happens, but what do you have control over? Are you open to different pathways if they emerge? Will you be able to see alternate routes if you’re focused on the one route?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Unfoldment

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Patience. Everything happens in its own time. We must make space for unfoldment. Allowing things to unfold as they are meant to. We are not in control of it all. We’re not meant to be.

Practice: Consider a situation you are in that’s not moving along as quickly as you might like. Can you acknowledge the efforts you’ve put into this situation so far? Can you allow yourself to embrace the present moment as it is even though you’re not where you want to be? Can you allow next steps to reveal themselves? Can you allow things to unfold in their own time for you? Can you trust unfoldment is always on your side?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Fearlessness

Sunday, January 23, 2020

Be fearless. Be bold. Walk confidently in the direction of your dreams. You are the only one who knows for sure. Believe in yourself.

Practice: Feel how fearlessness feels in your body. How does it feel? Where do you feel it? Imagine the fearlessness as a visual. What does it look like? Where is it located? Focus on it and strengthen this visual and feeling. You can use them next time you need a little boost as you take steps to move forward.


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Inhibitions

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Let go of inhibitions. They are stopping you from living your best life. Stand in your power and know you have nothing to fear.

Practice: Think of a recent situation or experience where you felt inhibited to do the thing you wanted to do. Are those inhibitions controlling you? How does that make you feel? Explore what comes up for you when considering letting those inhibitions go or doing the thing that scares you.


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Perfectionism

Friday, January 21, 2022

Perfectionism. Let it go. It’s eroding important parts of you. You must recover and rebuild what the perfectionism has obscured.

Practice: Explore your relationship with perfectionism. Think about areas in your life you see perfectionism emerge. How does it show up? How does it manifest in your life? How does it feel in your body? What’s behind the perfectionism? Can you start approaching this perfectionism in a new way?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Reconnection

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Reconnection. There are so many parts of ourselves that we lose touch with. But our body, feelings, and souls know what we need. They call us back to the parts of ourselves we’ve disconnected from. If it’s an important part of us, we will always come back to it. Allow the signs to lead you there now and reconnect with this vital part of you.

Practice: Think about a thing that you love that you haven’t done lately. Commit to reconnecting with this part of you. What do you love about it? How does it make you feel?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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Water Wisdom: Content

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Content. Restful. Ease. These are often overlooked yet powerful states of being. Allow yourself to rest in these states and emotions often. Allow them to transform you.

Practice: Pick one of these states of being and bring mindful awareness to it. Feel how your body feels. What comes up? Can you bring beginner’s mind to it? Can you go deeper?


If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.


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