TLDR: My Mediumship Demonstration at the Sea Isle City Library next week was sadly canceled due to a supernova of an online troll, an old ordinance, and who knows what else. Please let the library know you enjoy these types of events by contacting adultevents@cmclibrary.org and director@cmclibrary.org and show the library some extra love by leaving a Google Review. Thank you for your continued support!
This week, my Mediumship Demonstration at the Sea Isle City Library, one of 8 branches of the Cape May County Library system, was abruptly canceled. I am still coming to understand exactly what transpired, but from the little I’ve been able to gather, there was one disparaging online review that slammed the library and the City of Sea Isle for hosting a medium and then suddenly the Cape May County Legal Department was finding that the library would be in violation of an antiquated Sea Isle ordinance that prohibits fortune-telling.
I am aware of this ordinance and while it does not apply to anything that I do or teach, it has been being used as a catch-all to prohibit and discriminate against all psychic and mediumistic work. Plus, the Sea Isle City Library is part of the county, not the town.
Sea Isle is the only town in the county to have an ordinance like this. Despite knowing this, the library opted to cancel the demonstration completely, rather than move it to another of their 7 branches or move it online, all of which I lobbied for.
I am a huge proponent and supporter of the Cape May County Library system and of public libraries in general. They offer tremendous support, access, education, and benefit to their communities. Because of this, libraries have been under attack recently and need our support more than ever. I hope to continue being able to partner with them moving forward. However, I am disappointed in the way this situation was handled and the decision that was made.
My Mediumship Demonstration event had 53 people registered after only 5 days of open registration with over a week to go until the actual event. My Intro to Psychic Development classes have been some of the bigger draws for the library this past year (one of which was held at the Sea Isle City Library with no issue). My classes and readings have been well-received all around. If the only issue was the ordinance, then moving or rescheduling the event were the logical solutions. However, that’s not what happened and I’ve been given no indication that is likely to happen. I’ve also been informed that all events in the psychic/mediumship/paranormal/spiritual realm will be under review and reconsideration now.
This means that one loud, angry, potentially non-local, potentially anonymous online troll had a bigger impact on this event – and potentially future events – than the 53 people who already registered their joyful intent to be there.
This is still a developing situation and I will be continuing to address the various issues brought to light where appropriate and applicable. For now though, I would ask anyone who was interested in or excited about the demonstration or have attended my in-person classes at the library and enjoyed them to reach out to the library and let them know that there is interest in and demand for these types of programs, classes, and events. And if you want to leave a Google Review sharing your love for the library, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind that either!
I am so incredibly grateful for your joy, enthusiasm, open-mindedness, heart-centeredness, and continued support as we navigate these challenging times together! I look forward to continuing to serve our community with the highest level of ethical, evidential, wholehearted readings, classes, and support.
I will definitely write the library. Your classes are educational, fun, and cause no physical or mental harm to the attendees. Keep the faith, nothing good comes easy.
Thank you so much for the support, Kevin!