I am so excited to introduce my new soul endeavor and offering: Water Wisdom!
For the last several months, I’ve been connecting with the ocean and the spirit and energy of the water, and channeling the messages and wisdom that the water has to share in that moment. These powerful messages offer support, guidance, and love for embracing your truest self and living your most authentic life.
The spirit and energy of water, and particularly the ocean, offer us deep understandings of the power of ebb and flow, shifts and changes, highs and lows, phases and cycles, as well as standing in your power and authentic self regardless of how that looks from day to day or moment to moment. Just as the ocean, we as human beings are never stagnant. We are complex, deep, and beautiful just as we are in any given moment – both in stillness and in storms and in everything in between. We hold multitudes.
I have always felt very connected to the water. Astrologically, I’m a Cancer, which is a water sign. Actually, if considering sun, moon, and rising signs, I’m a double Cancer! I grew up on an island surrounded by water, always living within eyeshot of the Atlantic Ocean, falling asleep to the sounds of the sea. As have generations of my family – a beloved generational blessing passed down and honored. And I’ve always felt incredibly nurtured, cleansed, and balanced by the energy of the water, especially salt water.
As I’ve been expanding my own spiritual practices and delving deeper into my own healing and growth this year, it didn’t come as a surprise that I was being drawn back to this essential and vital part of myself. It has been incredibly healing and helpful for me to connect with the water in this way, but it’s also been abundantly clear that these water wisdom messages are meant to be shared. They’re intended to support us all.
I hope you will join the water and I on this unique Water Wisdom adventure. I am ever-hopeful the water wisdom and cleansing water energy can support you in your own healing and self development journey. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Happy healing and embodiment!
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
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