Please join Lorna J Hines, Latifu Munirah, and myself for a 4-session online transformative workshop series, “The Isms That Dim Our Light: A Path Towards Personal Transformation,” starting Tuesday, June 1, 2021!
This workshop is being offered through Lily Dale Assembly and will be held entirely on Zoom on the first four Tuesdays of June – June 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd – from 7-9pm EDT/4-6pm PDT. This workshop series is geared toward mediums, psychics, healers, and spiritual practitioners at any point on their path who are committed to continuous self-development and healing as part of their spiritual development.
This workshop series will explore how racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, power, and oppression affect, impact, and create wounds in our lives and thusly our mediumship, psychic connection, and healing. Self-development and self-healing are continuous companions as we develop, refine, and up-level our intuition, mediumship, and healing. As such, this workshop series is open to all levels of development from beginner to advanced.
We have been working diligently on this workshop series for over two years. Especially now, with the much needed recommitment to dismantling racial inequities in the United States, we are aiming to support our fellow lightworkers as they embark on their own anti-racism inner healing and self-development journey.
It is strongly recommended that participants attend each of the four sessions as the concepts and exercises will build upon one another. Each session is $26.
You can learn more and register for each session here:
June 1st: Introduction to Personal Transformation
June 8th: Consciousness Raising and Introspection
June 15th: The Implications of Privilege and Oppression
June 22nd: Creating a Personal Healing and Implementation Plan
We hope you will join us for this healing and transformational workshop series starting on Tuesday, June 1, 2021!