Friday, January 7, 2022 Take your time. There is no rush. Nowhere to get to. You are here already. It can wait and you can just be. We all come back to center, back to home, eventually. Practice: What is your relationship to time? To rushing? To waiting? To the present moment? *************************************** If you’d […]
Tag Archives: self-development
Water Wisdom: Settle Into Stillness
Thursday, January 6, 2022 Settling into stillness, into calm, into peace. You need this to truly rest, heal, and grow. And you need to rest, heal, and grow. Practice: How do you settle into stillness? What is your experience with rest? Are you on your phone until you go to sleep? Do things have to […]
Water Wisdom: Faith In Your Vision
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Persistence. Keep on keeping on. You must continue to press forward. Have faith in your vision. Allow that faith to carry you through and support you as you persist. There’s no give up in you. Keep going. Trust you are where you’re meant to be. Practice: Think about a compelling vision […]
Water Wisdom: The Present Moment
Tuesday, January 4, 2022 Patience. Calm. Appreciating the present moment. Just being here now. Practice: Can you stop whatever you’re doing and just appreciate the present moment? Can you see the beauty, the abundance, the love, the joy that’s already here? Can you revel in it? This is always available to you. *************************************** If you’d […]
Water Wisdom: Rise
Monday, January 3, 2022 Rise. Rise to meet the occasion. You hold the power. Stand in your power and wield it. Rise. Practice: Consider the idea and energy of rising. How does it feel in your body when you say “I rise”? Notice how your body shifts or moves. Notice how you experience this idea […]
Water Wisdom: Wholeness
Saturday, January 1, 2022 Wholeness. Recognizing, honoring, and standing in your inherent wholeness means recognizing, honoring, and standing in your infinite power. You are whole and complete exactly as you are. It’s your birthright. Feel your fullness. Live your wholeness. Practice: Gift yourself some time. Feel how the words “whole” and “wholeness” feel in your […]
Water Wisdom: Honor Yourself
Friday, December 31, 2021 There is a momentous energy about crossing from one threshold to another. Moving from one year to another holds this power and energy. And it should be honored. But you must also remember that we are always moving across momentous thresholds – every week, every day, every moment. We are constantly […]
Water Wisdom: Turn Inward
Thursday, December 30, 2021 When visibility is limited and things aren’t clear, it’s time to turn your attention inward. What have you been avoiding? You cannot control the weather aka the people, circumstances, and happenings outside of you. But you can control your responses to them. You can fortify the storm doors and raise the […]
Water Wisdom: Trust In Life
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 Trust. Trust that everything has been designed for you. Divinely constructed for your benefit. Exquisitely and expertly crafted. You are not and have never been in this alone. Practice: Play with the ideas of faith and trust. How do each feel in your body? Can you be open to the idea […]
Water Wisdom: Change Your Perspective
Tuesday, December 28, 2021 Change your perspective. Sometimes things feel just out of reach. Circumstances outside your control are dictating a situation, preventing you from what you want. This is when a change of perspective can make all the difference. Things are not always as they seem. New possibilities abound. Be open. Practice: Choose an […]