Water Wisdom: Surreal

Monday, December 27, 2021 Surreal. See the world, your life, yourself, your experiences with new eyes. Look without judgment, without understanding. Look with open awareness and just witness. Observe without attachment. See it all with new eyes. Practice: Have you ever looked at a word so long that it no longer looks like that word […]

Water Wisdom: Truth

Sunday, December 26, 2021 Truth. To truly see truth is a gift. Most people live in a sort of fog of their own programming, baggage, and traumas. Most situations they view are colored by these things, whether they recognize it or not. Discernment is the key to overriding this setting. You must understand your truth […]

Water Wisdom: Glory

Saturday, December 25, 2021 Glory. Exaltation of joy is expansive glory. It’s the sweet spot of alignment with your highest self. It’s subtle and joyful and pure. You feel it deep inside of you. Unshakable peace. Glory. Practice: Watch a sunset, sunrise, or other beautiful natural phenomenon. Allow yourself to relax into the peace and […]

Water Wisdom: Expansion

Friday, December 24, 2021 Expansion. Openness. Typically understood as feeling good to humans. It’s an important part of who you are. Because you are not just a physical body. You are so much more. And when you expand, when you feel expansive, you are in alignment with your highest self. Make it a point to […]

Water Wisdom: Mindful Listening

Thursday, December 23, 2021 Listen. Immerse yourself in the sounds around you. Especially that of nature. We have so much to say, to share. But first you must learn to listen mindfully and with care. Allow us to speak to you. Practice: Practice a listening mindfulness meditation using sounds as your focal point. Bring your […]

Water Wisdom: Receive and Respond

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 The wind and I are perfect dance partners. When the wind leads, I receive and respond in perfect harmony. So must you with your many dance partners in life. Practice: We are constantly in exquisite dances with others. But we often react unconsciously rather than consciously receive and respond. Think of […]

Water Wisdom: Connection

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Connection. What you connect to, influences you. You must be careful, mindful, and thoughtful about who and what you choose to connect to. There is always an exchange of energy when connecting. Brief connections can affect you but they’re fleeting. It’s the connections you come back to again and again. Take […]

Water Wisdom: Opportunities

Monday, December 20, 2021 Happenstance. Coincidence. Divine intervention. It’s all the same thing. Opportunities for healing and growth. Created for and by you. Embrace the moment and embrace yourself. Practice: Think of something that has happened recently that bothered, upset, or frustrated you, but doesn’t create a huge emotional charge. What feelings did it bring […]

Water Wisdom: Sing

Sunday, December 19, 2021 Sing. Joy is meant to be experienced. You are expansive. Song allows both. Use your voice. Practice: Sing a song. Sing to the sunset. Sing to the trees. Sing to a child. Sing to the breeze. Allow yourself to experience using your voice in song. How does it feel? How do […]

Water Wisdom: Abundance

Saturday, December 18, 2021 Abundance. How do you honor the abundance already in your life? It’s there, in everything, all around you. You must simply choose to see it, acknowledge it, and celebrate it. We must not over complicate it. It’s both simple and profound. And it is yours. It is your birthright. Practice: What […]