New Offering: Baby Readings

A Baby Reading is a sacred connection meant to support you in your journey. A Baby Reading can include living babies, babies in utero, or babies in spirit. The spirits and souls of babies are still very much connected to and well-aware of the other side and their soul self, soul connections, soul contracts, divine […]

Water Wisdom: Diversity

Friday, February 18, 2022 Diversity. Diversity of spirit. Diversity of soul. Diversity of experience. Diversity of people, places, and things. Diversity is truly the spice of life and is meant to be celebrated and cherished. Every being, place, and experience has much to offer and share. Embrace and connect with them all. Practice: How do […]

Water Wisdom: Cultivating Love

Sunday, February 13, 2022 Cultivating love is our responsibility. It’s each and every person’s responsibility. We often wait for others to show us we are loved and lovable. But that’s not where our love truly stems from. We are intrinsically loved, lovable, and loving. It is our birthright. We must own it, share it, and […]

Water Wisdom: Peace Place Continued

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Peace Place Continued. You have to find and continually revisit your peace place. It must touch you deep in your heart and soul. You must feel aligned and nourished there. And you must access that feeling, the energy of that place every day. It must become so true and clear to […]

Water Wisdom: Reconnection

Thursday, January 20, 2022 Reconnection. There are so many parts of ourselves that we lose touch with. But our body, feelings, and souls know what we need. They call us back to the parts of ourselves we’ve disconnected from. If it’s an important part of us, we will always come back to it. Allow the […]

Water Wisdom: Faith In Your Vision

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Persistence. Keep on keeping on. You must continue to press forward. Have faith in your vision. Allow that faith to carry you through and support you as you persist. There’s no give up in you. Keep going. Trust you are where you’re meant to be. Practice: Think about a compelling vision […]

Water Wisdom: Persistence

Thursday, December 9, 2021 Persistence on your path. Don’t give up. Only you know what is right for you. Only you know the right path to follow. And how to follow it. You must trust your heart and soul first and foremost. This world needs you to follow your path. Don’t give up – you’re […]

Water Wisdom: Uneasiness

Friday, November 26, 2021 Uneasiness. It’s a clue – a big one – that something is not right, not aligned with your soul. It’s not always clear what it is that’s not aligned, so uneasiness becomes a sign for when more investigation is needed. You must be willing to dig deeper and determine the true […]

Water Wisdom: Pursue Your Dreams

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Pursue your dreams. Life is short. Do what you love. Do what brings you joy, excitement, exaltation. Do not squander this precious life, your precious gifts. Live them out loud. Be who you truly are. You’re here for a reason. The world needs you and your dreams come true. Share yourself. […]

Daily Guided Healing Meditation Day 99 – Friday July 24th 2020

The Live Daily Guided Healing Meditation series started as a way to bring more love and healing into the world during the fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus for ourselves as individuals and for the world at large. Obviously, the Coronavirus is still active and there’s much more healing to come on that front. However, […]