Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Connection. What you connect to, influences you. You must be careful, mindful, and thoughtful about who and what you choose to connect to. There is always an exchange of energy when connecting. Brief connections can affect you but they’re fleeting. It’s the connections you come back to again and again. Take stock of your life and clean up your connections.
Practice: Connections aren’t just the connections we have with other people, but also the places we go, the media we consume, the thoughts we think, the things we surround ourselves with, the stuff we come back to again and again. Consider some of the connections in your life. What is serving you and what may not be serving you? What are you willing to alter for your well being?
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
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