Monday, January 10, 2022
Kindness. Connection, compassion, heart, good deeds. Kindness, in all of its many forms, makes your heart happy and blesses your life with many miracles. It takes very little to be kind and it reaps many rewards.
Practice: Think about kindness. How does it make you feel? Consider a few kind acts and kindnesses you did recently. How did they make you feel? Consider a few kind acts and kindnesses bestowed upon you recently. How did they make you feel? Make it a point to act with kindness today.
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
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