Monday, November 15, 2021
Look and ye shall receive. That thing you’re looking for – it’s right here already. Inside of you. Waiting for you to see it. To honor it. To love it. What you’re looking for is not outside of you, but inside of you and always available. See it now.
Practice: Think about something that you’ve been looking for outside of yourself. How might it be something you can give yourself? Go deeper with it. The thing we’re looking for is often not the true thing we’re looking for. What’s underneath it? What needs are you truly trying to fill? Explore and see what you discover.
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
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