Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Simple pleasures. These are the sweet bites of life that open the door to joy, contentment, enjoyment, peace, gratitude, and love. Identifying and embracing them as they arise, including finding and creating them in any moment, these are the skills to develop. Simple pleasures are abundant if only you choose to look.
Practice: Look around your space. What catches your eye? What brings you delight? What allows you to relax? Laser in on this simple pleasure. Tune into the feelings it invokes in you. Allow yourself to feel good. Do this throughout your day and week, especially in different situations.
If you’d like more individualized support to go deeper on your own healing and self development journey, please contact me at caitlin.haffert@gmail.com for a soul reading or soul coaching session. You are capable of stepping into your most authentic self and it would be my extreme honor to support you in that exploration.
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